FT-2000 -- Thoughts and Observations
this page:
PEP enhancement as of Jan. 1, 2009
Yaesu has updated the FT-2000's firmware and
DSP software -- it is an extraordinary improvement for this already
great radio. This was the much-anticipated PEP (Performance Enhancement
Program) update version 1.42.
include an auto-peaking contour (peaks and filters at the same time),
awesome DNR (digital noise reduction), and front-panel display of
settings in DNR, CW speed, pitch, etc. I cannot describe the amazing
change in this radio when I updated to firmware v.142 -- but you'll
know the difference the second you turn on the upgraded radio!
about the PEP update
upgrades include a new FT-2000 transceiver.
(Sept. 16, 2007) |
have had the FT-2000 since Sept. 16, 2007.
2002 I've used a lone FT-920 -- a great radio made 10 times better
with the Inrad cascading CW filter board (400 + 250 hz filters installed).
But I didn't have a computer-controlled second radio to operate
SO2R (single-operator, two-radios). I wanted to:
- Enter
SSB contests (my FT-920 worked OK, but it's outfitted as a CW
workhorse with InRad 400hz and 250hz filters, but no narrow SSB
or IF DSP filters)
Try SO2R to max out RTTY and CW contest scores
- Attack
the S-7 to S-9 power line noise that BC Hydro has not fixed in
three years
read about every new radio in my price range. The FT-2000 was actually
more than I could afford, at Canadian retail prices (total cost
to my door, nearly $2,900 CDN). But after years of salivating over
and MKVs,
the new FT-2000 was the radio I wanted.
- I
considered going real low-cost with the FT-450
(at least it had one roofing filter and IF DSP for a great price,
but it isn't a contest-grade radio, if only due to its small form-factor).
- I
looked at used, older Icom IC-756
and Pro
IIs, but I've never had an Icom and all my cabling is set
for Yaesu gear.
- I
looked at the new FT-950
-- a great-looking rig for the price.
the FT-2000 kept calling out to me. Contest-grade all the way, it
seemed to say to me. (Except for the glaring error of having a keyer
with Mode B keying only, it is contest-grade).
the FT-2000
I chose
my rig wisely. The FT-2000 wipes out the power line noise almost
entirely, with no side-effects when there's a strong adjacent signal
(which was an issue with the FT-920 -- its noise blanker was great,
but a busy band defeated it and allowed the noise to creep through).
FT-2000 also will work well as a SO2V (single-operator, two-VFO)
radio, though the sub-receiver is limited to whatever I can hear
on the same antenna as the main receiver -- great for picking up
mults on your running band.
receivers can be tuned to different bands. However, the rig doesn't
allow independent antenna selection for receiving (i.e. one antenna
on VFO-A and another on VF0-B... sad, as even the FT-920 allowed
a separate antenna on each VFO, it just didn't allow me to listen
to both VFOs at the same time.)
works in the same bandpass filter set as the main receiver, so even
with VFO-A on 20M and VFO-B on 40M, it all has to be on one antenna.
However, when transmitting, you can set VFO-B (the sub-receiver)
to transmit on either Antenna 1 or 2. Neato, so it can work.
won't take this radio out of the box and start using it immediately.
There's a lot to learn, no matter which radio you've had in the
past. The radio is the same size as the FT-1000 and FT-920 (though
the 2000 is about an inch deeper toward the back). It's big, beautiful
and daunting if you take it all in at once.
with any rig, you get familiar with it over time. Just a few days
of casual playing around and I'm already pretty quick with the basic
features -- adjusting noise blanker, filter widths, the dual receiver
AF and band controls, etc.
impressions: Wow! Quiet receiver, great sensitivity, great noise
reduction and noise blanking, handy and sensible sub-receiver tools
(except for the antenna selection limitations). Feels like a CW
operator's dream with variable filtering. Tons of audio in and out
connection options.
and whistles I haven't found a need for yet include the Variable
Roofing Filter (maybe in heavy contesting this fall).
valuable feature: the "Contour" control, which
I have set up as a peaking control capable of improving the perceived
signal-to-noise ratio quite dramatically. To customize the Contour
control for peaking, rather than notching out, signals, I have set
"Contour Level" to 13, "Contour Width" to 10.
The difference in signal strength is remarkable.
they have not fixed the terrible built-in keyer
flaw, Yaesu has been VERY responsive to the FT-2000 user-community's
requests for feature enhancements and updates. For example, firmware
update 1.39 included improved noise blanker operation and a host
of other improvements.
Jan. 1, 2009, Yaesu issued the much-anticipated Performance Enhancement
Program (PEP) firmware update -- v1.42. As of April 10, 2009, the
update is now at v1.45, and includes new on-screen displays of filter
bandwidth, speech processor level and several other control settings.
the update:
out the "Files" tab on Yaesu's
FT-2000 page
of the really great features of the FT-2000 is the Contour control,
which peaks a signal in the passband. The PEP firmware update adds
automatic contour peaking while keeping the capability for manual
peaking using the Contour knob. NOTE: these Contour level and
width menu items are 92 and 93 after the v.142 firmware update.
you haven't already joined the FT-2000 groups on Yahoo! There are
GREAT tips there about updating the firmware. Here are the two most
active groups I've found:
recommend FT_AWH Master Commander software
(it's free) to backup the FT-2000 menu settings before updating
firmware. Then you can use the same program to reload the memory
The powerline noise here seems to be worst on the high bands (I
know it is about 1 km away, due east). The FT-2000 noise blanker
works quite well in removing the noise, but if the band is busy
I find it becomes less effective. My FT-920 is the same way -- effective
NB until the band gets crowded, then the noise seems to sneak in
with nearby signals. Better than not having it on, though :)
audio settings:
have the Heil Proset (HC-4 and HC-5 elements). I've used the settings
recommended by the Heil website for the FT2000:
TX Bandwidth
Menu 083 Tx BPF (Menu 085 in firmware v.142 or later)
Fidelity 200-2800 Hz
DX 400-2600 Hz
Center frequency 200 Hz
Menu 123 (125 in PEP firmware)
bandwidth 2 Menu 124
level -8 dB Menu 125
EQ 2
Center frequency 900 Hz
bandwidth 2
level -6 dB
EQ 3
Center frequency 2100 Hz
bandwidth 2
level +8 dB
menus 132 through 140 (after firmware update v.142 the PE menu items
are numbers 134 to 142) set the equalizer for when the speech processor
is on.
Control Software: The simplest way to make adjustments
to the equalizer and parametric equalizer is using a third-party
program called FT_AWH
Master Commander.
software lets you adjust the EQ and PE settings visually, showing
graphs of the envelopes. It also can save and reload the FT-2000's
memories, menu settings, has digital voice keyer (DVK) recording
tools, and lets you customize just about everything. Master
Commander has been updated to work with the PEP upgrade.
Type ID and Certification
FT-2000 has Industry Canada certification -- # is (VERTEX) IC 511B-2025X50.
Approved June 15, 2006, this certification allows it to be brought
into Canada legally (I checked before buying online, just in case).
The number is on a non-removable sticker on the radio's back panel,
right below the FCC type ID.
CAT Cable
a DB9 Female-to-Female "straight-through" cable. Do NOT
get a "null modem" style cable. I
bought mine from Interior Electronics in Kelowna -- $4.17. They
reminded me that most "straight-through" cables are Male-to-Female,
so they sold me one of those plus a male-to-female adapter (gender
changer for $3.50).
I was there I bought four new BA9 1819 lamps for my CDE
Rotator control box ($0.85 each! Four will last me a few years),
and a pair of 1N5711 Schottky diodes to fix my AEA AT-3000 antenna
tuner's metering circuit ($2.65 each -- so I got two pair).
Logger CAT Settings for FT-2000
my FT-2000 (on COM port 1), the following settings were applied
in the Configurer window:
4800 Parity: N (none) DataBits: 8 Stop Bits: 1
DTR: Always Off RTS: Always On
- I
set the FT-2000 as the Radio/VFO Number: 1
I set the FT-920 as the Radio/VFO Number: 2
sure to set the radio numbers in N1MM's Configurer, as I couldn't
get CAT to work until I gave each radio its own number (had them
both as Radio 1 for a while, scratching my head).
the way, in my setup, I tried the FT-2000 CAT RTS both ON and OFF,
and it made no difference in operation of the CAT with N1MM.
FSK and CW keying, I use a serial port for each radio (DB9 -- Pin
4 CW, Pin 3 FSK). These are configured in MMTTY. If you're using
an LPT Parallel DB25 port, you'll need the EXTFSK dll to be installed
if running Windows XP, as I am.
I had
a hell of a time getting EXTFSK to recognize the LPT port, so I
gave up and got a four-port serial card instead. When it turned
out XP didn't like the PCI serial port card, I replaced it with
a $10 5-port PCI USB 2.0 card and a couple of USB-to-Serial cables
that work very well for rig CAT control and FSK/CW keying.
Logger DVK Control Macros for FT-2000
2008, with the release of version 7.12.7, N1MM
Logger received new ASCII command macro capability to control
the FT-2000's internal digital voice keyer. I am using these now
to trigger the DVK memories and it works very, very well.
N1MM SSB macros are now set to use the FT-2000 DVK memories for
CQ, TU, Again, and EXCH for any contest with a static exchange such
as "59 BC" or "59 Zone 3".
macro strings are:
F1 Run CQ, {CAT1ASCPB01;}
F2 Exch,
F3 Thanks, {CAT1ASCPB03;}
F5 His Call,-
F6 Dupe,-
F7 QRZ,-
F8 Again, {CAT1ASCPB05;}
F1 S&&P CQ,-
F2 Exch,-
this new macro feature, I had a hard time getting soundcard-recorded
DVK levels to match my live microphone audio for natural-sounding
exchanges (for example, when I manually cut in to acknowledge a
new caller and give the serial number). Lots of guys are great at
it and the soundcard DVK tools in N1MM are truly outstanding, but
my Heil mic just never seems to drive the soundcard very well, and
I always found either the recording or the live mic too loud in
actual exchanges.
me, the new CAT control macro capability has reduced the complexity
of using DVK for basic CQing and exchange sequences.
recording the DVK messages, I use the Yaesu rig
control program (from the "Files" section of the Yaesu
FT-2000 site), which makes it easy to record each memory as
many times as you need, without fumbling with the teeny front panel
buttons. This method also gives access to FIVE voice memories in
the rig (without reading the manual, I only managed to access four
memories using the front-panel buttons).
Master Commander now also has toolsfor DVK recording and may
be a better all-in-one solution for this.
advice from the Yahoo FT2000 group, when I am recording messages
I set menu 15 (DVS RX LVL) and menu 16 (DVS TX LVL) to "2"
and turn up the rig's mic gain a bit. This seems to help
eliminate any stray DVK-generated noise on the recorded audio, for
a clean message. When finished recording, I adjust the mic gain
control for proper drive from the live microphone, and adjust menu
15 to provide that same audio level from the DVK messages.
and the adjustments are right there on the rig.
at VA7ST
Aug. 2008: I now have I.C.E. single-band filters for 80M, 40M
and 20M, and use a 22' coax stub for 15M. They work very well even
when running high power on one of the radios. There's some phase
noise on 40M FT-2000 when transmitting on 20M with the FT-920, but
not enough to make 40M unusable. There's no interference on 20M
when transmitting on 40M, unless I'm right on the harmonic frequency.
more about the I.C.E. filters, see the News page
June 16, 2008 note.
SO2R note.... Casual testing indicates that I'll be OK running
100W to my tribander on one radio, and using the second radio on
40/80/160 (or on the all-band vertical), without overloading either
radio. Antenna separation seems adequate.
stubs or filters yet, so I'll be VERY cautious if I jump in as SO2R
without that protection. Plan to run SO2V with the FT-2000 all alone
first, with no worries about blowing anything up. Figure a pair
of ICE 6-band filters will be needed before I get too far along.
Whenever the budget grows back, I'll get them. Maybe by 2010, hi.
If I can find a source of PL259 T-connectors, I'll build a set of
AA5AU-spec coax stubs as a stop-gap safety measure. T's are hard
to come by up here.
I think the FT-2000
is an exceptional radio overall, but it has one limitation
for some CW operators: the internal keyer is Curtis
Mode B only.
means if you squeeze both paddles, the keyer adds a dot or
dash when you release the paddles. It turns a K into a C,
or an A into an R, etc. (Some
hams like it, but I cannot send code this way and many others
can't send in Mode B, either.)
you use an external keyer you'll be fine, however, I believe
Mode A keying is a necessity
for a contest-grade transceiver.
would love to see CW Mode A keying added to a future
firmware update. [END of rant]. |
jump after PEP firmware update
the price for a new FT-2000 soared after the Jan. 1, 2009, firmware
the U.S., the retail price went from $1,995 to $2,495. In
Canada (at
Radio World) the 2009 price rose to $3,000 CDN! (That's
about $2,495 US with the current exchange rate).
I purchased my FT-2000 in September 2007 from W7BJN (Brian) in Moses
Lake, WA, who had listed it on eBay. Serial number indicates it
is from the Nov. 2006 production run.
paid: $1,950 USD. Had to pay 6 per cent Canadian Goods and Services
Tax, and 7 per cent B.C. Provincial Sales Tax (total: $265 CDN or
so) at the Canadian border. (Dollar exchange rate was about $0.96
CDN for each US dollar, and a few days later the Canadian dollar
was on par with the US dollar). There is no import duty on amateur
radio equipment, so that was a nice break.
cost to acquire the radio was $2,330 CDN incl. taxes.
Shipping cost me $60 in gas to visit Brian in Moses Lake (a fantastic
10-hour round-trip through Washington on an Indian summer day).
Bonus was the programming DIN switch, which Brian had on hand.
buy a new FT-2000 in Canada in September 2007 I would have paid:
$2,679 + $161 GST (no provincial tax) = 2,830 + $53 shipping = TOTAL
difference at that time, buying slightly used (but PRISTINE condition)
from the U.S.: $493, or about 1/5 of a new SteppIr 3 element yagi
(I know from experience that in April
2009 a 3 el. + 30/40M SteppIR comes in at about $3,500 Canadian
with shipping). I imagine I'd have to ship the radio to California
for service, but if it's anything like my FT-920, I'll get years
of use out of it before that's required. Would have to ship it somewhere
I waited until the unusual price hike in 2009 to buy the radio,
I would have paid more like $3,200 CDN. So, as
Howie Mandel likes to say, I "made a very good deal."
used the money I saved to buy a Heil Pro Set Plus, Heil FS-2 dual
footswitch, the AD-1Y Yaesu mic cable adapter, a second soundcard
for SO2R, a four-port serial card for the FT-2000 and FT-920 FSK
and CW lines, and cabling for it all.