informal blog-style page is a running account of news at the
station since 2004.
Here's the news from Grid Square DO00hb
30, 2010
contest results to August
26 , 2010
a handy online calculator
for figuring lengths of Christman phasing 71- and 84-degree lines
for 2-element verticals spaced 1/4-wavelength apart.
19 , 2010
info about my fave 40M antenna: the twin
half-square array.
17 , 2010
a new antenna page about my Steppir
40M hybrid yagi using a fixed wire element off the boom.
30, 2010
contest results to June
18, 2010
Noted the induction
of Don Hill and Bob Locher into the CQ Contest and DX Halls
of Fame.
18, 2010
Updated my LoTW totals.
29, 2010
the second
Contest Focus
feature story -- covering the 2010
WPX SSB contest.
11, 2010
the State QSO Party "multi-contest"
section file to correct a typo for Middlesex county, CT (it
should convert to MIC not MID).
22, 2010
first Contest Focus feature
story -- a preview and summary of a major contest.
17, 2010
Updated information about phasing lines for the 40M
twin-vertical array -- and added audio
of signals in both directions.
15, 2010
page about Athena contest
log analysis.
5, 2010
propagation tools page.
10, 2010
Updated my QSL information.
I can no longer QSL direct cards that arrive without return postage.
30, 2009
Farewell to Bob VE6YR
19, 2009
Updated contest
results to mid-October 2009.
18, 2009
Discovered that my FT-920 went deaf --
no receive.
23, 2009
Posted the August 2009 CQ Ham Radio
Japan magazine article
about VA7ST.
20, 2009
Updated contest
results to mid-July 2009.
2, 2009
antenna is up and on the air!
24 , 2009
arrived from Fluid Motion ahead of schedule (had expected four week's
shipping time... see shipping diary).
31 , 2009
made the decision to get a new HF antenna. Today I ordered a new
SteppIR 3-element plus 40M/30M dipole.
A month or so of waiting begins.
28, 2009
Updated contest
results to end of January 2009.
14, 2009
Yaesu updated the FT-2000 EDSP software
to v11.39, making an important engineering change. Made a noticeable
difference in the DSP digital noise reduction.
I have new stand-alone pages for my 40M
wire vertical array and 40M half-square
array changes (the verticals have been taken down because they
really messed up the half-square pattern
to the U.S.)
I have new stand-alone pages for my 40M
wire vertical array and 40M half-square
array changes (the verticals have been taken down because they
really messed up the half-square pattern
to the U.S.)
2 , 2009
Yaesu made 2009 a very happy new year for
FT-2000 owners with the Performance Enhancement Program firmware
update v.142. The EDSP software was updated to v11.29. Turns
this great radio into a stellar radio.
21 , 2008
Christmas holidays are underway. First
order of business: a quick contest (OKDX RTTY), and housekeeping
on this site. Updated my Logbook
of the World totals.
few notes about recent computer upgrades:
mid-December 2008, I replaced a 17" CRT monitor with a new
Acer 20" widescreen. Required a new video card for the computer,
so I picked up a $39 PCI ATI Radeon 7500 from Tiger Direct ($1.99
shipping!) and got 4GB of memory for the family computer ($12 ea.).
Both system upgrades have proven to be extraordinary enhancements.
shack computer now has 20" and 15" LCD monitors -- just
about perfect for my operating style (propagation, telnet and
windows on the small monitor, and up to SO2R N1MM + MMTTY windows
on the big monitor).
computer is a 2001-vintage 933 PIII (HP Pavilion 7850 maxed out
with a whopping 512MB of RAM) with three PCI slots and two onboard
serial ports. To run both the FT-2000 and FT-920 as a two-radio
setup, I need at least four serial ports.
the four-port expansion PCI card I bought a year ago is unreliable
(hangs Windows XP on startup sometimes). So I have purchased a cheapie
$8 USB 2.0 PCI card (four-port) and a pair of $9 USB-to-Serial cables
from a chap on eBay (iliveinca,
a mail-order shop in Vancouver, B.C.). Got everything for under
$30, including free shipping via Canada Post. The cables arrived
in four days; card expected in another day or two.
the $9 USB-to-Serial cables work for rig control and FSK/CW keying,
I'll get a couple more ASAP because when I upgrade to a new computer
I doubt it will even have one onboard serial port.
recently began trying a free utility called eBoostr.
It makes our 4GB dual-core family computer much faster
(using system RAM instead of the hard drive for Windows file caching).
The older, slower shack computer only has USB 1.2, so a 2GB memory
stick doesn't work so well for eBoostr "boosting." Hoping
the new USB 2.0 card will change that and give me a bit more system
speed for radio software use.
14 , 2008
information about the antennas currently
in use here at VA7ST. Includes notes about coax chokes, the
Mosley Classic-33 and 20M SWR bandwidth tweaking.
added all-new terrain analysis for this QTH -- some pretty
dramatic advantages for a short-tower operator!
6, 2008
The British Columbia
DX Club includes a great bunch of much-celebrated DXers and
contest operators. I was invited to attend their 2008
meeting on Vancouver Island by BCDXC President Paul
Peters VE7BZ.
an honour to be invited as a guest to one of these informal and
highly entertaining get-togethers, and so I left home at 2:30 a.m.
on a Saturday morning (Sept. 6, 2008) to catch an 8 a.m. ferry from
Vancouver's Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo's Departure Bay.
story with photos
7 , 2008
Post delivered two envelopes today: ARRL DXCC RTTY certificate #1958,
and the DXCC RTTY lapel pin. All 100 countries for the RTTY award
were confirmed via Logbook of the World. I could have applied for
DXCC CW years ago using QSL cards, but waited to confirm RTTY before
joining "the club."
current country totals for DXCC
16 , 2008
Update: Ordered
the 80M #404, 40M #405 and 20M #407 single-band filters from
Radio Products on
May 30. The filters will enable single-operator two-radio (SO2R)
mode here with the FT-2000 and FT-920. They arrived Thursday, June
12. Outstanding delivery time from I.C.E., given that they had to
clear customs.
ships my preferred way -- U.S. Postal Service, not UPS. You can
tell they know what they're doing for international orders. They
had the package well-prepared with the appropriate duty-free numbers,
etc. for fast processing at the border.
'em up from the post office on Saturday morning and pressed them
into service for a few hours on Saturday night on 20M/40M in the
ANARTS RTTY contest, but lousy conditions didn't produce many Qs.
The gear seemed to provide good isolation of the rigs, though, and
N1MM works like a charm for SO2R RTTY.
11, 2008
Important information for ANARTS RTTY Contesters: The
official ANARTS
web page has a link to the official "exchange points"
table for their contest. The page will display correctly if you
use Internet Explorer, but not Firefox.
Contest Calendar site offers the table in an HTML format that all
web browsers can display.
the ANARTS Points Table
6, 2008
new observations about the FT-2000 -- including N1MM
Logger DVK macro commands, and a warning about the FT-2000
internal keyer problem (it only offers Type B keying, useless
to guys who didn't grow up with it).
4, 2008
to Kelowna's Orchard City ARC ham swap this morning. Finally got
the Bencher paddles I waited 26 years
to own!
25, 2008
information about the new 80M phased vertical
26, 2008
image of the QTH showing layout of
the 40M half-squares. Also added two audio recordings to show the
fairly dramatic difference between these antennas when listening
to Caribbean stations (VP5 and CM6).
1, 2008
contest results
to end of December 2007.
10, 2007
contest results
to October 2007.
30, 2007
information about my new FT-2000 transceiver.
information about my Logbook of the World
8, 2007
the meter scale for my CDE Rotator control box. Full
Awaiting BC Hydro crew repair of a substation pole to remove the
radio noise interference.
25, 2007
- SB-221
amp working great -- used in RAC Winter, CQWW WPX RTTY and ARRL
DX CW with good results in each.
- MFJ-1026
noise canceling signal enhancer arrived two business days after
I finalized my order with Durham Radio. Great delivery time! Picked
up several days after it arrived at the Post Office -- on Saturday
of ARRL DX CW. Used it in NAQP RTTY and it worked extremely well
on 20M power line noise. S7-8 knocked down to S2.
- Also
received some new RG8X coax lines (100-footers) so replaced feed
to the Crappie dipole and can now report that it works like a
charm. It's at 55' with the tower cranked up, and did fine service
in ARRL DX CW and NAQP RTTY in February.
- Have
all the steel cable to re-string my wire antennas but haven't
yet had a good break in the weather when there's no contest to
operate in. Definitely need to rework the 40M pair of 40M delta
loops. Though design-wise they're identical, they have not worked
nearly as well as the original loops I used last year. Could be
the 75-ohm matching 1/40-wave lines aren't quite right.
how to wire your serial port FSK and CW circuit VA7ST-style.
Larger image
Believe it or not, this "spider-leg" point-to-point
wiring worked fine. But, knowing how mortified Jim VE7FO would
be if he ever saw this, I did redo it all properly using tiny
perf-board for mounting inside a DB9 connector shell. |
25, 2007
Updated contest results
to Jan. 2007.
- Week
before Christmas I bought an SB-221 amplifier with full Harbach
mods + 10M and nearly new 3-500Z tubes. Used it plenty already
and it's a super addition to the station. Best $600 I've spent
on non-antenna gear. Drove 8 hours each way over three scary mountain
passes to get it. Worth the drive!
- With
the new amp comes the need for consistent drive power, so I finally
wired up the one-transistor + one-resistor computer interface
for FSK RTTY keying. Works so much nicer than AFSK -- no level
adjustments at all. Just set the power and go.
- Have
rekindled the BC Hydro search for powerline noise. It is a debilitating
160M through 10M condition, making contesting almost impossible.
Now suspect lines near a substation across the valley. Expert
coming from Vancouver again in a few weeks to look again.
- Need
to re-string my wire antennas after a week of major windstorms
in early January. Existing catenary rope is sagging and frayed
by tree limbs. Plan to run steel rope up to top of pine (90'),
with a pulley at the top to support a catenary rope 130' to another
tree. From this will hang 2x40M delta loops, 2x80M delta loops
(probably 75% size) and a better 160M inverted-L.
27, 2006
Built a linear-loaded 40M rotatable dipole
and installed it on the tower this week.
(Update Jan. 2007: never got this antenna to
play -- coax up the tower may be dead. I only tilt the tower over
once a year, in early summer so it's up there strong as heck even
in gale-force winds, but I don't use it because it is shorted
out somewhere. Will rebuild in summer 2007 with bigger wire, better
feedpoint construction and new coax.)
14, 2006
- Received
new QSL cards from UX5UO
Print. They are stunning! I even posted a review
of the service on
- Have
installed my old Hygain 18AVT/WB on the ground in the middle of
the back lawn. Have 36 radials laid out on the grass, pinned using
various types of staples made of rather stiff, thick copper and
aluminum wire. So far the kids and dog have not pulled them up.
(Keeping fingers crossed.)
- Arranged
two new 1/4-wave tall wire 40M verticals in the pine forest. They're
spaced 33 feet apart, north and south. I'm trying ot phase these
with 3/4-waves of RG6 (75 ohm) coax running between them, and
feeding the south vertical, hoping for an endfire pattern pointing
north over the pole.
Works a bit, but think I need to adjust the length of coax for
a better north pattern.
- In
the August 12 WAE CW contest, I discovered that by turning one
of my wire inverted-V beams from aiming E-W to aim N-S I could
actually work a few EU stations. (Duh!).
I will permanently turn what used to be the director of my West-facing
inv.-V to point N-S.
21, 2006
- Contest
scores have been updated to April 2006.
- Last
week swapped 700Mhz PIII laptop (128MB RAM) with son's PIII 966
with half-gig of RAM. N1MM more responsive, especially with other
apps running, such as CW Tune In, a web browser, etc. Plus, more
screen real estate.
- Over
the past month I have removed the 80M and 40M delta loop arrays,
and put up inverted-V wire beams.
- 2
elements on 80M aimed SE at 70'
- 3
elements on 40M aimed SE at 70'
- 2
elements on 40M aimed NW at 60'
- In
March, I installed a 40M 2-element inverted-V wire beam pointed
at 45 degrees (roughly Europe and Africa). Height is just 50'
or so. Hears EU quite well.
- Solar
cycle nearing the bottom now. Conditions very lousy (SFI=75 and
A has been high, so it's noisy)
- BC
Hydro expert coming up week of April 24, 2006, for second attempt
at locating power line noise source.
1, 2005
- Contest
scores have been updated to October 2005.
- Learned
this week of the passing of W0ETC. After a long and courageous
battle with lymphatic leukemia, Larry died on Oct. 25. He will
be missed by many in the contesting community. A memorial
page has been established, should you wish to leave a note
about your memories of Larry L. Lindblom.
19, 2005
noise destroying radio reception. Suspect pole reported to BC
Hydro -- they are actively working on the situation. Suspect pole
not the problem... still looking.
- My
contesting activity pages have
been updated with July to November 2004 reports.
30, 2004
CW 2004 is over... I shattered my previous best Q total with 1,421
contacts (plus 30 dupes). Sure was fun breaking 1,000 Qs. Mults
not where they should be, but the new 80M delta loops and tribander
yagi worked quite nicely.|
- Nov.
23, 2004
ready for this weekend's CQWW CW -- the grand daddy of all contests,
in my books. Worked Belize and Netherlands Antilles fairly easily
on the new 40M delta this evening. Heard Japan on 80M grayline
this morning, so antennas are playing well. Will try hanging a
160M inverted-L (80' up, 50' horizontal) on Saturday morning.
Nov. 10, 2004
many more contest scores to the listings.
- Nov.
8 , 2004...
Sweepstakes CW just finished -- new 80M dual delta loops and 40M
delta loop worked great (100+ Qs on each band).
- Next
station improvement will be getting the 80M delta loops to work
as driver/reflector. The array is just a driver right now -- reflector
40' to the east doesn't perceptibly add to performance. Must fix
InRad 400hz and 250hz CW filters arrived the day of the CQWW SSB
contest. I took three hours off that night, mid-contest, to install
the filter mod board in the FT-920. Made a world of difference
to the radio. Just not for SSB, hi.
- Sept.
27 , 2004...
Tired but can't wipe the grin off my face after the CQWW RTTY
contest. New antenna made a world of difference.
- Ordered
400hz and 250hz CW filters from InRad today. Got blown to pieces
by QRM on Saturday and Sunday. Signals wall to wall from 14055
to 14030, and could barely copy a single one amongst the horde.
- Planning
to hang an inverted-L for 80m soon. Only 65 contacts on the weekend
-- missed lots of eastern U.S. mults and Qs.
- Will
extend the 18' boom of the yagi to 24' and load it for 40M...
see how a rotatable dipole does for me in upcoming contests.
- Tower
Is Up!
Tuesday, September 7, 2004, we poured concrete for the base of
the tower. I waited for the concrete to cure 28 days, just like
the experts said I should. All right. I didn't. On the morning
of September 18 I put the tower in its base, bolted the Classic-33
onto the mast and cranked the tilt-over handle. Up she went, no
problems with the base, bolts or tower itself.
Didn't extend the tower to its full height until the moment CQWW
RTTY started (0005z) on September 25. Boy, was I thrilled with
the results of this long-awaited piece of radio equipment.
Quadrupled my 2003 score (102,000 up to 460,000) and my QSO count
went from under 267 to 760 -- including 429 Qs on 20m and 160
on 15m!
my entire CQWW RTTY 2004 story on 3830
I have received some great encouragement from hams around the
world who worked me for the first time with the new antenna....
"...just wanted to let you know, I feel your efforts paid
off... Great signal on 20 and 15. See
ya in the pile ups. 73 Andy (VE9DX)."
"Happy to work VA7ST for first time - new antenna worked
well Bud... 73 Nasko LZ9R."
"Had to send a note to congratulate you on getting a tower
up and a little more Antenna. I
see you have already noticed the difference :), good luck in
future contesting. 73 Earl VE7IN"
like these mean a lot! Thanks fellas.
- Had
a Blast in BARTG Spring RTTY
Just completed BARTG Spring RTTY (Mar. 21, 2004) and had a great
time in this final contest from the home we've lived in for the
past 12 years. Made about 140 more QSOs than last
year and nearly doubled the multiplier count from 65 to 113.
details about my weekend are on the 3830 Contest Score Rumors
See a complete list of my contest
(Note: OK, the list isn't quite complete -- about two-thirds of
my 2002 and 2003 scores are there, with more coming.)
- We're
The cross-town trek to a new QTH takes place on March 31. See
the Location section for details on how I expect the new location
to play on the air. Summary: Waaay better than the old place.
Kids are looking forward to having a big new house. They're now
old enough that they want their own separate bedrooms, after sharing
a room since they were toddlers. (Kim and I think they're going
to have separation anxiety, hi.)
July 14, 2004: Move went very well -- one day, all family members
accounted for, hi.]
- New
I have enlisted my father and his big Dodge Cummings diesel truck
to pick up a new-to-me Mosley Classic 33 (CL33) tribander on April
2 (2004). I will meet dad at his place near Summerland, BC, and
we'll drive down to Osoyoos, BC, to get the antenna.
Later this year, we will return to Osoyoos to collect the tower
I am buying -- a 40-foot crank-up, tilt-over U.S. Towers MA40.
Can't put the CL33 up till I have the tower, and the ham I'm buying
it from needs that for a while longer. At the new place my antennas
will initially be wire and maybe my Spider Beam. Sure am looking
forward to having a proven beam up higher than the house eaves.
[Update July 14, 2004: Still waiting for
the call -- tower and beam have been paid for, just waiting for
my friend to sell his house.]
- Contests
Don't Stop
Plan to operate in a couple of contests in early April,
if I can get a G5RV strung up in between moving in and unpacking.
[Update: July 14, 2004: Sure did get in
on lots of contests after moving to the new place.]