Hybrid (wire element) SteppIR 40M yagi
or I should have bought a Dream
Beam-18 in the first place
17, 2010
wondered what would happen if you combined a 40M rotary dipole with
a fixed-position reflector or director element? Me too. So I tried
SteppIR 3-element
yagi with 40M/30M dipole is a great antenna, but it doesn't
deliver gain on 40M. That's fine for domestic work from VE7, but
for DX -- particularly working Europe -- I need at least a bit of
gain to make the difficult path over the North Pole.
love verticals and half-squares, but no matter where I put them
they interact with my 80M vertical array -- there is never any free
lunch. Something is always traded for something else, and so I have
not been able to fix my Europe 40M problem with those great options.
the layout of my back yard, where the SteppIR is on a small 40-foot-tall
crankup tower, I realized that nearby trees could serve as supports
for a passive element on 40M.
this is not a novel concept, it was rather exciting to realize I
could create a passive element that could be switched from being
a reflector (aiming the array at Europe) or a director (aiming at
that's how the hybrid SteppIR 40M yagi came into being.
model case
see what it would look like, I created a model of the SteppIR 40M
trombone element in MMANA
GAL (optimized for 7.050 Mhz), and added a 40M wire spaced about
33 feet away.
My SteppIR 40M dipole MMANA GAL .maa model
at 27' | dipole
at 47'
layout of the trees means the wire element is off the yagi's center
axis, shifted quite a bit to the west of the SteppIR -- the east
end of the wire element is about even with the east tip of the SteppIR's
40M element.
alignment of trees also means the wire element is broadside to 30°,
which is an ideal configuration for me -- when the dipole is aimed
at Europe, it is in perfect alignment with the wire element.
key point to mention is the "boom length" of the hybrid
antenna. The wire element is about 33 feet (10m) away from the 40M
dipole element (giving this 40M 2-element yagi a 33-foot boom length).
None of this is even close to ideal, but seeing as this is an experiment,
I figured "who cares?"
the spring of 2010, I build a 69.9-foot-long (21.5m) wire element
made of 14-gauge aluminum fence wire, which I have found hard to
work with but very strong for wire antennas. Once the element was
cut to length, I cut it apart 6 feet (1.8m) from one end and inserted
a simple SPDT relay.
"solo" 40M dipole at just 27' in height exhibits about
6.52 dBi (over an isotropic radiator). By adding a passive reflector
or director adds about 2.1 dB of gain -- pretty good for being almost
totally free (for the cost of a $6 relay and 70' of wire.
high -- unaided SteppIR 40M dipole (6.52 dBi at
unaided 40M dipole at just 27' in height exhibits about 6.52 dBi
(over an isotropic radiator).
high -- with wire director, aiming South (8.62 dBi, 47°)
Adding a passive reflector or director adds about 2.1 dB
of gain and cuts in half the takeoff angle of maximum radiation
-- pretty good for being almost totally free (for the cost of a
$6 relay and 70' of wire).
high -- with wire reflector, aiming North (8.63 dBi, 43°)
let's take a look at what happens when we crank up the tower, so
the SteppIR dipole has about the same height as the new wire element.
(I say "about" because I can only estimate the wire's
actual altitute, comparing it with the SteppIR's height).
high -- unaided SteppIR 40M dipole (5.39 dBi at
The gain falls a bit when going up 20' in height, but the
high-angle stuff is reduced -- the takeoff angle of maximum gain
is cut in half from "straight up" to 43°.
high -- with wire director, aiming South (8.3 dBi at 36°)
gain is up by 3 dB, or a doubling of power, plus the takeoff angle
falls to 36°. That's not great by DXing standards, but we're
still only 47' in the air. A half-wavelength on 40M is 70' up.
high -- with wire reflector, aiming North (8.96 dBi at 38°)
gain shoots up to almost 9 dBi. Front-to-back is about 10 dB.
about other directions?
If you're interested enough to read this far, you're probably
thinking, "Yeah, but what happens when you turn the SteppIR?"
a great question -- and one of the first things I wondered about.
This is where the MMANA model helped me decide to go ahead. Bottom
line: as the SteppIR dipole is rotated until it is 90° to the
wire element, the effects of the wire element diminish and almost
disappear. Plus, there are some interesting areas of coverage
as you turn.
my modelling is not very good. Because I don't have the
skill to "turn" the Steppir dipole (which is made up
of many segments) I turned the wire element instead. Doing this,
I approximated distances, so you will see some variations in the
plots. That said, the basic patterns should serve
to illustrate where the antenna points depending on the spatial
relationship of the dipole driver and the passive element.
to wire reflector
90° to wire director
is a slight gain advantage to the east, but the typical low-height
"peanut without a waist" is the basic pattern. |
quarter turn to the right....
to wire reflector |
to wire director |
quarter turn to the left...
to wire reflector |
to wire director |
in full "yagi mode" with 33' spacing, parallel to the
to wire reflector |
to wire director |
on the air
I love the SteppIR dipole even when it is only 27' in the
air (remember, my 27'/47' tower
looks out over sharply sloping hillsides, so it behaves like
something a bit taller). But a dipole at less than 70' isn't going
to get me over the North Pole very often. Adding a wire element
to the SteppIR dipole makes a difference.
the predicted patterns, I expected the hybrid yagi to behave no
better or worse than the basic 40M dipole when listening to most
of North America. Indeed, Midwest and East Coast stations are no
stronger or weaker with the antenna in reflector or director mode.
Turning the dipole their way brings them up, and switching the hybrid
element has no effect on them.
hybrid element comes into play with W6 and Europe. The S-meter does
jump on California and deep South American stations, when going
from reflector to director mode. And European stations are an S-unit
or two better with the antenna aimed at them in reflector mode,
as they should be.
gain is not always pronounced, depending on signal origin and incoming
angles, but when this contraption is the right antenna for the job,
your ears know it.
This part-fixed, part-rotatable antenna arrangement isn't
going to be totally predictable. If you absolutely, positively need
to know where your signal is going, put up a fully rotatable 2-element
time on task -- using the thing, and comparing real-world experience
with the predicted patterns -- will provide a good sense of performance
around the compass. I certainly don't have that good sense yet,
but I will provide updates and examples here as I figure it out
and play with things.
of the areas I'd like to experiment with is adjusting the SteppIR
dipole length to see if that offsets in any way the unchangeable
too-long 33' boom length of the hybrid yagi.
over time this thing doesn't work better than other antennas I'm
using, I'll say so.
for reading, and all the best on 40M!
Antenna Overview
A roundup look at the antennas currently in use at the
VA7ST site.
Rotatable Dipole Project
Using two fiberglass fishing poles (Crappie poles), some wire and
a few feet of TV twinlead, this linear-loaded dipole is less than
40' from tip to tip, cheap and works well for its size.
Hex Beam Project
Read the construction details for a homebrew hex-style beam. This
is a super performer -- if you want all five upper HF bands, or
don't have the wingspan room for a spider beam or other large-format
Beam Group on Yahoo
A spider beam hot spot. See what other homebrewers
(and spider beam kit builders) are doing to get great signals on
20m, 15m and 10m.
Spider Beam Site
Information about the spider beam from its inventor, Con DF4SA.
See how he has used this outstanding antenna to win CQWW contests
from Portugal. The
spider beam is a serious antenna that, in my opinion, is destined
to be one of the most popular homebrewed tribanders.