Time of latest WWV report Solar flux index -- from SWPC WWV.txt Day's sunspot count -- from SWPC dayind.txt Current A-index -- from SWPC curind.txt Curren K-index -- from SWPC curind.txt Geomagnetic condition based on current A-index and K-index levels GOES 14 Solar X-ray flux -- A or B is good, C M or X is not good Calculated band conditions based on +/- points awarded for latest: A-index, Aurora level, X-ray flux, Solar Flux Index, and typical utility of each band group during hours of daylight or darkness Latest OVATION-prime aurora forecast images K-index (3-hour readings from Boulder, CO) for the past 24 hours Solar Flux and Sunspots for the past 14 days Developed for the Orca DX and Contest Club by VA7ST